The Philippines may not have the same distinct seasons as other countries, but it still experiences changes in the environment. The environment changing also means that allergy season is fast approaching.

Don’t wait for allergy symptoms to make you feel miserable! Here are some ways you can prepare:

Know your enemies

Suddenly finding yourself sniffly during allergy season? You may have allergies you do not know! Visiting your doctor and taking an allergy test can greatly help your quality of life, even outside the allergy season. Knowing what triggers your allergy symptoms can help you avoid the discomfort that it would usually bring, and can help you manage these allergies permanently.

Survey your surroundings

Allergies can be caused by a number of things, and it may not be the usual culprits. Aside from pollen, mold can trigger your allergy symptoms. Cleaning the areas of your home, the bathroom or the closets, can help prevent mold build-up. Sealing leaks in pipes or roofs, or cleaning the filters of air conditioning units and humidifiers, can help promote better airflow and prevent allergens from polluting your home.

Watch your local weather news

Pollen counts are not as common in the Philippines, but being aware of the pollen levels and other irritants present in the air like dander and dust during allergy season can help you manage your symptoms. A quick internet search or a browse through dedicated apps like Accuweather can tell you the daily reports on pollen, dust, and even mold count. One good thing to remember is that hot days with low humidity levels can have greater pollen counts than the cold and rainy days. Knowing the weather forecast can help you prepare for the outside world during allergy season.

Take your medicine

After consulting with your doctor, it is important to have the anti-allergy medicine that works for you always in stock. Knowing your specific allergy triggers will help your doctor determine which kind of medicine or treatment would work best for your condition. For example, if you are known to have allergies, oral antihistamines may work for you.

However, not all allergy pills work to ease nasal congestion, a common symptom during allergy season. For this case, people are better off with nasal sprays that directly address stuffy noses and other allergy symptoms.

If you are in search of a handy way of preparing for allergy season, why not try Aqua Maris nasal spray? It contains Adriatic seawater, a natural ingredient that helps decongest without changing the physiological condition of the sinuses. Available in travel-ready sizes, it is a convenient way to make sure that you are prepared for the allergy season anytime, anywhere.

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