Nasal sprays can be quite intimidating to the uninformed. Not a lot of people know of its benefits
for one’s health, so it is normal to want to know more about it. Aqua Maris nasal spray contains
Adriatic seawater, which is from the purest sea in the world, and is thereby a natural decongestant
aimed to soothe irritated nasal mucosa. How exactly does Adriatic seawater in a nasal spray
benefit the body?

Breathe Easy: The Benefits of Nasal Seawater Sprays

Proper nasal hygiene is something that many people may not be aware of, but it benefits everyone of
all ages. As most people breathe through the nose, it is one of the parts of the body with the most
frequent and constant contact with outside elements. Due to its functions in the human body, the
nose encounters several foreign objects that can impact one’s health. Although it has its own means
to filter out these elements, it is also helpful that proper nasal hygiene should be practiced.

One such practice is the regular use of nasal sprays. There are different types that one can use
depending on the severity of the symptoms experienced, but the safest and most common are seawater
nasal sprays. This particular type of nasal spray does not contain any medicine, so it can mostly
be bought over the counter or without any prescriptions from local drugstores. Even without
experiencing symptoms, using nasal sprays regularly can be beneficial for people who stay or work
in environments that have high levels of irritants like dust or pollen.

Adriatic Seawater Changes Up the Equation

The mineral salts and significant number of oligoelements that can be found in seawater has a
beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa. These characteristics help make Adriatic seawater as a
natural decongestant, and a great component for nasal sprays like Aqua Maris.

Through numerous filtration phases that are done in safe and sterile conditions, Adriatic seawater
is obtained with preserved microelements to ensure its therapeutic effect. Our experts have
recognized the unique therapeutic power of the Adriatic Sea, and have developed Aqua Maris products
to help address nose and throat problems.

Normal breathing depends on the state of the nasal mucosa. The Adriatic seawater in Aqua Maris
products helps eliminate the inhaled dust particles, allergens, viruses, bacteria, and impurities.
Aqua Maris products help clear the accumulated nasal discharge easier, simultaneously moisturizing
and regenerating the nasal mucosa.

As Aqua Maris nasal sprays do not change the physiological condition of the nasal mucosa, they can be
used by people of all ages. Regular use of Aqua Maris nasal sprays can help keep up proper nasal
hygiene, and can also show long-term benefits on overall health.

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