When summer rolls in, we know what that means — allergy season is also here! In the Philippines where there are only two seasons — wet and dry — allergies become more prevalent during the dry season when the weather is more susceptible to sudden shifts, switching from cool, to dry, to rainy at any time of the day. Aside from the changes in weather conditions, allergic reactions also happen during the dry season because of the rise of pollens and molds.
Don’t wait for seasonal allergies to cause you discomfort! Get set and survive the allergy season better with some of these tips. Read further and check them out below.
1. Identify your environmental triggers
The best way to prevent allergic flare-ups is to identify the root cause of the problem. Identify which allergens are usually causing you to be miserable — is it grass pollen? Mold? Or maybe it’s dander from shedder fur? Whichever the cause is, do your best to determine the culprit before they start to mess with your body again.
If you’re uncertain, consult with an allergist.
2. Lock out pollen and other allergens from your home
Limit your exposure to pollen, dust, and other allergens by cleaning your home efficiently, especially in areas where these particles tend to accumulate. Use a vacuum with a HEPA (HighEfficiency Particular Air) filter, which is capable of trapping extremely small and micron-sizedparticles. Use a vacuum on common surfaces like floors, carpets, rugs, and upholsteredfurniture.
3. Shower before bed
Because dust, pollen, and other allergens can cling to your skin, hair, and clothes, make it ahabit to shower regularly before bedtime. The last thing you want is to transfer these irritants toyour pillow and bed as this could trigger a reaction and seriously disrupt your sleep.
4. Keep your home mold-free
Dust and pollen aren’t the only common culprits of seasonal allergies — don’t forget to watch out for molds in your home too! Molds frequently form in bathrooms, kitchens, and other damp spaces. Make your home mold-resistant ahead of allergy season by repairing any possible leaks in pipes, windows, or roofs.
If you use a humidifier, make sure to empty the water regularly and keep it clean to prevent mildew.
Don’t wait for seasonal allergies to cause you discomfort! Get set and survive the allergy season
better with some of these tips. Read further and check them out below.
5. Practice nasal hygiene
Incorporating proper nasal hygiene into your daily routine can work wonders for your allergies and overall well-being. Using a nasal rinse doesn’t only clear your sinuses from dust particles, allergens, and other irritants, it also keeps your nasal passages well-moisturized and helps you breathe easier. When using a nasal spray, go for a product that is formulated with seawater, like Aqua Maris Nasal Seawater Spray. Aqua Maris is made with 100% Adriatic seawater and contains natural minerals that gently cleanse and nourish the nasal passages for long-term care.
Reference links:
- https://www.everydayhealth.com/hs/allergy-pictures/prepare-for-spring-allergies/
- https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2018/06/10-easy-ways-to-beat-seasonal-allergies-when-the-pollen-count-spikes/
- https://www.expatfinder.com/philippines/expat-guides/article/allergies-in-the-philippines/839